شنبه، اسفند ۰۱، ۱۳۸۸


I seat in the hp tower again due to changing the monitor of my damn laptop for the second time. I don’t know what's its problem, but anyway, I extend its warranty for another one year. I don’t know, maybe it’s better if I sell it and buy a new one.
It was for a long time that I haven’t updated my weblog. I have so many subjects for talking about but the difficulty is that I couldn’t write. I'm not in a writing vein like before. Nevertheless, I should check my laptop and this checking could be a pretext for writing, writing about a movie. A movie which became so popular in a short time. A movie which I watched in the cinema Last week, when I and four of my other friends went to the Gold Screen Cinema to watch “AVATAR”. We got ticket for the last show of the day, at 12:30am.
AVATAR was a good movie but not as well as its ranking. Till now, its ranking in IMDB reach to 8.5/10 which I think is so higher than its merit. The just valuable aspect of this movie was its special effects and the other aspects were just copy from other movies.  The trace of famous movies such as “minority report” and “Matrix” was obvious.
 I’ve just enjoyed of watching this movie for the reason that I saw it in the cinema and by Dolby sound and 3D glasses. I don’t think it’ll be a movie which survives from the history of cinema even though its very good ranking. For me, it was just like having 2 hours fun, not more!

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